How Often Should You Check Your 14x30x1 Air Filter?

When it comes to maintaining a healthy central air system in their home, most homeowners know that they must change their air conditioning filters regularly. Typical recommendations range from every 30 days for cheaper fiberglass filters (which often don't filter very well) to 6 months. The only way to be sure how often the air filter should be changed is to have a visual inspection of the filter every month. After a few months, you'll get an idea of how quickly it gets dirty.

You'll need to reevaluate if you have a new pet or if the outdoor air quality has been poor. The most important thing to remember about air filters is that they must be changed regularly. Generally, it is recommended that residential air filters be changed every 30 days when using regular fiberglass filters. When air filters remain unchanged, dust, pollen, dirt, and other contaminants accumulate and decrease filter efficiency.

Filters should be changed every 30 to 90 days, depending on the type and efficiency of the filter. However, according to Energy Star, filters must be changed every month during peak summer and winter hours, when the air conditioning system is operating at its maximum capacity. You usually need to replace a fiberglass air filter approximately once every 30 days or as recommended by the manufacturer. A pleated air filter should be replaced approximately once every three to six months. However, the frequency of air filter replacement depends on several important factors, such as the home, the occupants and their location. When you buy a new air filter, check the manufacturer's recommendations to get a basic idea of how often you should change it.

Be careful not to confuse Honeywell heating filters with their HEPA air filters for purifiers, which last much longer. Check the sides of the existing air filter for dimensions, and then go online or to a local home improvement store to find an air filter that fits the indicated dimensions. The furnace filter is used to clean the air of contaminants and dust just before air enters the furnace system. During peak summer and winter months, contaminants in your home may increase but the air filter doesn't trap them. Replacing the air filter can restore airflow, improve heating and cooling efficiency, and increase air quality throughout the house. If you live in a big city, contaminants such as smoke, dust, and other debris will seep into your interior and clog your air filter at a much faster rate. Even if you live in a mild climate with excellent air quality, there's another important reason to change your boiler filter as recommended. Dirty or clogged filters can negatively affect air quality and can also overload the HVAC system, reducing efficiency and leading to damage.

The filter is placed in a shared air controller where it cleans the air before diverting it to the air conditioning unit or oven. Your specific situation is unique but most experts agree that heating filters have an overall lifespan.

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